Rodrigo Sola
Olá! Meu nome é Rodrigo Sola e sou designer gráfico.
Desde criança sou apaixonado por arte e me sinto feliz por poder utilizá-la na minha profissão.
Digo "utilizá-la" pois vejo o design como um meio de comunicação.
Acredito que o trabalho do designer gráfico seja fazer com que ideias se tornem mais claras e de fácil compreensão com o auxílio da arte.
Hello! My name is Rodrigo Sola and I'm a graphic designer.
Since I was a kid I have a passion for art and I feel happy to be able to use it in my profession.
I say "use it" because I see design as a mean of communication.
I believe that graphic designer's job is to make ideas clearer and easier to understand with the help of art.
Since I was a kid I have a passion for art and I feel happy to be able to use it in my profession.
I say "use it" because I see design as a mean of communication.
I believe that graphic designer's job is to make ideas clearer and easier to understand with the help of art.